Young Justice is an American animated series. It is the creation of Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti and is being aired on Cartoon Network. It is the brainchild of the adult team Justice League. The show centers upon the young teenaged heroes who together make a group for undergoing cover operations known as the Team. The show is set in a fictional universe of the earth. It was first aired September 9, 2011 on the channel Teletoon, in Canada. Fans can now watch young Justice online for FREE!!!
The Young Justice, the teenagers try to prove their abilities to their parents, mentors, colleagues and of course to oneself. But the lead protagonists have the powers of superhero and they strive to be the associate of the Justice League. The teens who have the super powers are Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian and Artemiswill who explores the powers required for being a super hero. The series is produced by Warner Bros. Animation and has derived its few characters from DC Comics. Sam Register is the executive producer and Brandon Vietti and Greg Weisman are the producers of the show.
Aqualad/ Kaldur ‘Ahm is a 16-year old boy who is the leader of the team. He derives his powers from the tattoos on his arms which is a blend of Atlantean sorcery and science. He possesses high strength and has the power to survive in the water. He does not want to be the team leader and wants to surrender his designation to Robin. Aqualad turns as a rival of the Team in later seasons. His flame Tula is killed while in a mission.
Robin is a 13 year old boy and the most experienced player of the group. He does not have the supernatural powers but is a genius technician. He creates humor and also encounters the enemies with full power and determination.
Kid Flash possesses increased speed but is not master in it. He often falls wile running in full pace. He is a good womanizer and hits nearly every woman he comes across with. Superboy is a clone of Superman and possesses high strengths and great power of hearing.
Miss Martianis a not much experienced hero and has the raw abilities of flying and telepathy. Artemis is a 15 year old archer. She also does not have full powers but possesses the art of bow and arrow. She is the daughter of the foe of the team, Sportsmaster. She is in relation with Wally West who was her college mate.
Zatana is the daughter of Justice League associate Zatara. She has the magical powers just like her dad but she speaks the spells in the reverse order. Red Arrowis a male archer and does not have the supernatural powers like Robin and Artemis and are a perfectionist in bow and arrow. Rocket is a Straightforward and bold boy. She is the prentice of the superhero Icon.